Terms and conditions


Dearne Valley Pharmacy is owned by Dearne Valley Pharmacy LTD (“us, we”). Incorporated July 2022 in the UK, the company registration number is.. and the registered office is..

These terms and conditions (The “Terms”) affect your legal rights and obligations and apply to your usage of the website www.dearnevalleypharmacy.co.uk (the “Website”) and any purchases made through the website.

Please read these terms carefully before using our website. By using our website you indicate that you accept these terms and agree to abide by them. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms, do not use our website.

If your require any help, or have a question, you can reach us us by phone on…………………; or drop us an email to support@dearnevalleypharmacy.co.uk

We are registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council under the registration number… which can be confirmed with current status viewed at www.pharmacyregulation.org

We may contact you by e-mail or post to the billing address provided in your order if required.

Other Terms which apply

Our Privacy and Security Policy which also applies to your use of the website, outlines the handling of data we collect from along with data you provide us. 

For purchases of medicine and other products, please refer to our Terms of Sale.

Your Account

By creating an account on our website, the responsibility of maintaining confidentiality of your chosen password during registration or when you have changed to a new password, lies with you. You are solely responsible for any activity occurring under your account. If you are on a shared computer, you will log out of your account whenever you have finished with your session. You should not share your account with anyone else, and it is recommended to take precaution in keeping your password protected. If you feel you have had unauthorised access to your account, contact us on support@dearnevalleypharmacy.co.uk

Access to our Website

You agree to access our website for your own personal use and not for any reason other than what this website is intended for, nor for any commercial or business purpose. We have no liability for loss of profit or revenue, consequential damage/loss, any business interruption or any loss of business opportunity or reputation or good will.

You agree to not access the website through any non-human or automated methods including bots or otherwise. Unauthorised access to the site or servers hosting the website or computers or database or servers connected to it is a criminal offence. You must not make any attempt in interfering in any way with the workings of the website, especially the security along with any other disruption. You will be reported the relevant authorities and identity disclosed under breaching clause 11 of the computer misuse act 1990.

We reserve discretion to deactivate, restrict or limit your access to our website if we believe you have breached these terms and conditions in any way. 

We cannot guarantee the website to function continuously, interruption or error free. We are unable to guarantee and cannot guarantee any contact you have of the site will be free of any virus or code that has destructive property within it. You carry the responsibility to ensure the information technology, computer programmes and platforms you use to access our site have sufficient virus protection software for safety.

Registration and Representation

Some of the services we provide will require you to register with us. Any information you provide for registration will be held on a secure online personal patient record.

Some services require you to input information about you.

In either case, any information you give us you confirm is accurate and complete. For this you confirm: 

  • You are at least 18 years of age and given information on your own free will,
  • You have the mental capacity to make decisions about your care,
  • You will not create more that one account on our website,
  • You will update registration or medical details promptly as necessary.

Use of our Website

We endeavour to keep the information on our website up to date however we cannot provide guarantee to all the information being current, up to date and accurate, nor can we guarantee allergens are listed for all products. Our website is not to substitute professional medical advice but to support your healthcare and that which can bridge a gap between your regular healthcare providers and yourself. The content on our site is for information purpose only. If you suspect a health problem you must consult your regular GP.

You must not use this website in any way that is deemed to be fraudulent, or for any criminal activity, or any act that would violate any law or regulation. 

You must not use the website to cause offence or abuse, defame, breach copyright or trademark to any party. 

Intellectual Property

Everything on this website from design, text and images to their arrangement and selection on our website is protected by copyright laws. We are the owners of the material published and images and attached rights, or the licensee of these things.  All such rights are reserved.

Printing one off copies, downloading extracts from pages from our website is only allowed for personal use and not commercial purposes. our website is only allowed for personal use and not commercial purposes. You will need a licence from us or licensors if you wish to use information for commercial purpose

Any information you print or download, please refrain from modifying in any way. Our illustrations are protected by copyright and must not be used. Some images from proprietors we use, you would need your own licence with. Please reference Dearne Valley Pharmacy or other author of materials you use on your website.

We will request you to stop using our website immediately if you are unable to keep to these guidelines. We may ask for any material printed to be returned or destroyed.

Summary Care Records (SCR)

Approval for viewing your Summary Care Records (NHS). This is an electronic summary of medical information which is available to healthcare professionals who take a part in your care. It contains allergy status and current prescription medication you may be on. It includes name and address as well as date of birth and NHS number which can help identify you.

From time to time we would wish to view this information to give you safe and appropriate care. A record is made on your SCR whenever there has been access, and if you wish to question an access, please feel free to contact us. If you wish to opt out of SCR you will have to contact your GP.

Please visit www.digital.nhs.uk/summary-care-records/patients for for further information on SCR.


Links to our Website

Any linking to our website must be done in a legal and fair way that does not negatively affect our reputation in any way whatsoever. You must not take advantage nor are you allowed to put our link in a way that is suggestive of association or endorsement or approval where one does not exist. If you would like to use some of the material on this site, please contact: support@dearnevalleypharmacy.co.uk

Links to other Websites

Any links from our site is a resource for you provided by third parties. We are not responsible for their content or accuracy, nor responsible for any loss or damage from their use by you whether information or any purchase. You understand we do not monitor or check their completeness or appropriateness and are not responsible or any opinion or privacy or offensiveness. You should read any terms and conditions as well as privacy policy of those sites.

Changes to the Terms

From time to time there may be a need to revise these Terms from a result of a change in business operations and/or changes to any relevant law and regulatory requirement.

We will alert you when a change is made but you waive the right to receive specific notice of each change. It is your responsibility to review these terms and conditions from time to time to keep up to date with changes.

When an order is placed, the Terms at that time will apply to the order.

Changes and suspensions to the Website

There may be updates and changes to our website in its design and/or information relating to services and products we provide as well as all other information on the website. This is to ensure the information is current and up to date. We do not guarantee the site or content will always be available or uninterrupted. Parts of the website may be withdrawn or limited for operational or business purposes.


Our Liability

Nothing of these terms excludes or limits our liability to you in any way where it would be unlawful to do.

 We are not liable for any loss or damage whether that be in contract, negligence or otherwise unless we have breached these Terms, or breached an established duty of care to you.

Information on our site including descriptions and blogs are provided w

Coming Soon…

Privacy Policy

Dearne Valley Pharmacy (we, us) takes the preservation and safeguarding of your privacy very seriously. We use the latest technology available to us, in order to protect and enhance security measures presence on our website.
We only use your data where there is a lawful basis for us to do so. The basis on which this policy relies on is consent given by you where you choose to provide, how well our contract with you is executed, compliance with any legal requirement.
We reserve the right to update this privacy policy from time to time. Therefore, we advise you to review our policies regularly to stay up to date on these changes.

Data Controller

Dearne Valley Pharmacy LTD (company registration 14211448) with registered office 10 Lockwood House, Lockwood Park, Huddersfield, United Kingdom, HD46EN is the data controller responsible for your personal data. We are registered with the UK information Commissioners Office with reference C1287320.

Types of information we might collect from you

Contact Data includes information such as your email address, geographical address, email address, delivery and billing addresses
Identity Data includes information such as your full name, username, date of birth and similar identifying information such as passport number and driver licence number
Health Data includes information regarding your health and medical status, GP address details, patient and consultation notes
Technical Data includes IP addresses (Internet Protocol), the browser type and version being used, cookies, location and time zones, your login details, any operating system and platform and other technology on devices used to receive communication from us and you use to access our site.
Usage Data encompasses information about your visit to our website and the URL clickstream to and through the pages, pages viewed, or searches made, response times, page interactions and lengths of stay on our site, and how you browse away from the site or page. Interactions include mouse overs and clicks and scrolling.
By registering with us we may use the above information in order to provide you a consultation service and products in accordance with our terms and conditions.
We do not knowingly collect personal information or data of children. Please do not supply us with your personal information unless you are at least 18 years of age.

How information can be collected

Voluntary Information you give
This includes when you sign up for newsletters, create an account with us, filling any forms, purchase of products, proving us with feedback or reviews, application made to join us as an employee or clinical practitioner, during any contact you make with us to handle a query or complaint or other.
The information you provide must be accurate, complete and true. For any inaccurate or false information, or if we suspect or find fraud committed, we will make a record of this and may report it to appropriate authorities.
Any contact made by e-mail or post may be kept on record also.
All information will be handled as outlined in this policy. Some information will be mandatory

Information received from others
We work with third party companies such as with business partners, payment agencies, delivery services, ID verification and credit check companies, analytics and service information providers, along with advertising networks and analytical subcontractors. They may provide us with information about you.
To facilitate us in make joint medical decisions about your health as well as fraud prevention, ID verification is required using agencies that will do a credit reference and search files of fraud prevention agencies. This search will be recorded.
For any inaccurate or false information, or if we suspect or find fraud committed, we will make a record of this and be unable to complete your order.

Information Derived
Passive Information our servers will automatically collect from you when the website is accessed. This includes the IP address and browser type, your operating system and when the site was accessed as well as the pages viewed before and after accessing our website.
You agree we cannot provide consultation services or products unless you give us and allow us to process health data.

Patient Confidentiality

Your medical data and order history is treated with confidentiality. Only our healthcare professional staff can access this information or staff who uphold similar duty of confidentiality when necessary. We will never disclose any medical information without your consent unless there is a legal requirement or permittance for us to do so.
Your medical information is not used to send information on products and services (for marketing purpose) unless explicit permission is given to us to handle your medical information this way.

Use of your data

To provide you dutifully of our services, the information collected is used for the purposes of:
Providing out healthcare services to you
In keeping with regulatory requirements
To communicate any query or issue that relates to any specific service provision being taken place or your account or order
Record keeping
Notifying you of any changes to the website
Sending of newsletters
For correct identification and prevention of fraudulent transaction and protecting against criminal activity
Offer products and services
Processing payments and refunds
Data analytics to improve our website

Information Security

Several measures are in place to ensure your personal date is protected. Techniques in administrative, physical and technical security protocols and procedures and software help protect your personal data. However, although all reasonable steps have been taken to secure the personal data you provide, no security measure is perfect or impenetrable. Information you disclose anywhere online is vulnerable to interception and/or other types of misuse. Therefore, we cannot guarantee this will not happen despite our efforts in making things as secure as possible. We would advise you to ensure your own safety online through similar methods, including administrative and software aiding online security.

Storage of your Personal Data

Some of

Disclosing your Information


Your Rights



Any linking to

Third Party Websites and Information

Any links

Retention of Data

From time

Use of Cookies

From time

Changes to Policies

There may be changes too this policy from time to time as we reserve the right to amend as a

Your Right to Complain

If you have a complaint regarding this privacy policy or handling or processing of your data, please do let us know. We will review and investigate your complaint and aim to get back to you in a reasonable length of time. You have the right also to contact the information commissioners at www.ico.org.uk or if you are based outside the UK you will have to contact your local regulatory authority.

Contact Us

If you would like to discuss this privacy policy or any other policy or health concern, please contact us on 02709 759728, or email us at support@dearnevalleypharmacy.co.uk, or write to us at Unit 10b Goldthorpe Industrial Estate, Commercial road, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9BL

Cookie Policy

This is the Cookies Policy (the “Policy”) for Dearnevalley Pharmacy, accessible from https://www.dearnevalleypharmacy.co.uk To make this site function properly, we sometimes place small data files called cookies on your device. These cookies are downloaded to your computer to improve your browsing experience as well as other purposes that are outlined in this Policy.

Accordingly, this Policy is a legally binding agreement between you (“user,” “visitor,” “you,” or “your”) and this Website administrator or operator (“administrator,” “operator,” “we,” “us,” or “our”). This cookies policy page describes what cookies are, what information they gather, why, and how they’re being used by Dearnevalley Pharmacy and any of its related products and services (the “Services”). We will also share how to control and disable these cookies and withdraw consent to collect cookies. However, please know that these actions may downgrade some aspects of this site’s functionality.

For further information on how we use, collect and manage your personal data and information, see our Privacy Policy.

What Are Cookies

Cookies are those small pieces of data stored in text files saved on your mobile device or computer when you visit a website. Cookies allow the website’s server to record and store your actions and preferences, such as login information, user history, language settings, font settings, colour settings, and other display preferences, over a particular period. Cookies ensure visitors do not have to continuously re-enter their details or information whenever they revisit the site or surf between pages.

Cookies are used to remember your preferences for single visits through sessional cookies or multiple repeat visits through permanent cookies.

How We Use Cookies

Cookies are essential for our website to function optimally and enhance website performance for a better user experience. The website administrator(s) controls all cookies used on the site and grants third parties access for statistics and analytics purposes. Cookies are needed to remember to identify visitors and remember their site actions and online behaviours.

We use cookies for various reasons, which are explained in detail below. Please know that cookie-related information is not used to identify you personally.

How to Control Cookies

You can control and/or delete cookies on your mobile device or computer and adjust your browser settings to prevent cookies. Users can withdraw consent to collect cookies on the website. You can also determine whether you want to agree to the site’s use of cookies. However, doing this may cause you to repeat your preferences every time you visit the site manually, and some of the site’s services and functionality may not work optimally.

Disabling Cookies

You can disable cookies setting by adjusting the option on your browser settings (see your browser “Help” for more details). However, please be aware that the act of disabling cookies will affect your visit’s functionality and the use of this website and many others. Unfortunately, disabling cookies will usually result in also disabling certain functionality and features of this site. In most cases, there are no website standard options for disabling cookies without completely disabling the functionality and features they add to the site. It is recommended that you enable cookies for optimal site functionality and service.

The Cookies We Use

Sessional Cookies

Sessional cookies are temporary cookies that are operational during your visit and expire when you close the browser.

Permanent Cookies

Permanent cookies store and retain your site preferences on your mobile device or computer even after you close the browser or your mobile device or computer.

Necessary Cookies

Necessary cookies allow the website to provide a better user experience when navigating the website, its services, and features. These cookies allow us to recognize if you have created and logged into an account to access site content.

Functionality Cookies

Functionality cookies allow the website to operate optimally, following your site preferences for future visits. These recognize your site username and customizations.

Analytical Cookies

Analytical cookies allow first-party and affiliated third-party services to collect and store aggregated sate for statistical and analytical purposes on how our visitors use the website. While these cookies respect visitors’ privacy and personal information, they optimize the user experience.

Account Cookies

These cookies will help us manage the signup and general administration of creating or opening an account opening. These cookies may be deleted when you log out but sometimes remain afterwards to remember your site preferences.

Login Cookies

We use login cookies to remember your Login details and prevent you from logging in every time you visit a new page on the site. These cookies are often cleared when you log out to secure your account information and privacy and prevent access to restricted features.

Email newsletters Cookies

This site uses cookies to offer newsletter or email subscription services and cookies and remember if you are already registered or subscribed to show specific notifications or features reserved for subscribed/unsubscribed users.

Orders-processing Cookies

We use cookies to store and remember your payment orders on our e-commerce or payment facilities for proper payment processing.

Survey Cookies

We periodically issue our users surveys and questionnaires to provide interesting insights, helpful tools or understand their preferences or opinions more accurately. These surveys may use cookies to remember participants or to generate accurate results even after you change pages.

Forms Cookies

We use cookies to remember your details for future correspondence when you submit data through forms such as contact or comment details.

Site preferences Cookies

To provide you with a beautiful user experience and site interaction, we use cookies to provide the functionality to set your site preferences when you use it.

First-Party Cookies

First-party cookies are the cookies explained above that are set by the website.

Third-Party Cookies

In some cases, the website uses cookies provided by trusted third parties that serve content or render advertising and analytics services on this website. The following section explains the third-party cookies you may encounter while using this site.

  • This site uses Google Analytics, one of the most trusted analytics solutions on the global web, to understand how you use the site and ways to improve your site experience. As a result, these cookies may track your use of the site, time spent on the site, and its pages to allow us to continue producing engaging content. For more information on Google Analytics cookies, we refer you to see the official Google Analytics page: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage
  • We periodically test new features and make subtle changes to our site’s user interaction. Cookies may be used to provide you with a consistent experience on the site and understand our user’s preferred optimizations.
  • We use cookies to track and understand the statistics about the number of visitors that make purchases for the products that we sell. This allows us to accurately make informed business and market predictions that monitor our advertising and product costs to ensure the best equilibrium price.
  • We use Google AdSense service, which uses a DoubleClick cookie to serve more relevant ads across the web and limit the number of times a particular ad is shown to our users. For more information on Google AdSense, we refer you to see the official Google AdSense privacy FAQ: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/3394713
  • We rely on adverts to offset the running costs of this site and generate revenue for further development. We use behavioural advertising cookies to ensure that we provide you with the most relevant adverts where possible by anonymously tracking your specific interests and presenting similar interests.
  • Several partners advertise on our behalf, and we use affiliate tracking cookies to determine the number of our customers that visit the site through each of our partner sites to credit them appropriately. Where applicable, these cookies allow our affiliate partners to provide any bonus that they may provide you for making a purchase.
  • We use cookies for social media buttons and/or plugins on this site to connect with your social network in different ways. These cookies also allow us to track social network users when they visit our site or share content using a tagging mechanism provided by those social media sites.

Amendments and Modifications

Dearnevalley Pharmacy reserves the right to modify this Policy and its terms as they relate to this website and services at any time, effective and in full force upon posting the updated version on the website.

Please check this page regularly for updates. The continued use of the website and its services after that shall constitute your consent to such amendments and modifications.

Policy Acceptance

You hereby acknowledge that you have read this Cookies Policy and agree to all its provisions, terms, and conditions. By continuing to access and use this website and its services, you also agree to be legally bound by this Cookies Policy. If you do not agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Policy, you are not permitted to continue to access or use this website and its services.

More Information

We trust that you have gained clarity concerning our use of cookies. For further information about our cookies policy, please email us at support@dearnevalleypharmacy.co.uk.

Feedback & Complaints

If you would like to give feedback or have any complains or concerns, please contact us on 02709 759728, or email us at support@dearnevalleypharmacy.co.uk, or write to us at Unit 10b Goldthorpe Industrial Estate, Commercial road, Goldthorpe, Rotherham, S63 9BL